This is a time of blessings that begins on Christmas day and continues through the next year. Knowing this, Operation Unite® wishes everyone a very merry holiday season and, more specifically, gifts that will support people from around the world with prosperity and joy.  

Blessings to the Central Valley of California farmers, farm workers, processors, Bureau of Reclamation, municipalities and irrigation districts, city, county and state departments and staff that implement drought emergency responses and state leaders that grapple every day to find fair and effective ways to satisfy current water needs with the water that is available.

Blessings to all medium and high priority watersheds that work towards creating a united community under the umbrella of a groundwater sustainability agency (GSA).

Blessings to our scientists, water managers and other water buffalos that seek groundtruthing actual water conditions and remedies that are fair for all Californians.

Blessings to communities living and working in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta counties, to the health of the inland estuary, the network of rivers that feed the Delta and relations that the fresh water of California has with the salty Pacific Ocean.

Blessings to all Californians living in urban, suburban and rural regions of the state and their recognition that each play a part in water conservation, reuse and recycling on a daily basis.

Blessings to our Native People that share their water wisdom and hopes for a healthy 21st century for California.

Blessings to the United States for the understanding, good will and wisdom to seek problem resolutions that minimize pain for everyone and optimize successes among all citizens.

Blessings to all international nations for seeing the strengths in each other and seeking relations that bring joy to their people.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Solstice and Happy Holidays to all.