Seeing tragedy as a child of five years old is a scary and confusing experience that left many questions in Marcella Hart’s young mind. Marcella talks about the feelings and sense of knowing that she had when asked to go to the funeral of her friends that lost their lives when their father’s depression saw no other way out.

 Young Marcella knew that a big price was paid through the deaths of her friends and their family. It was an easy way out but not the right way.

 The gift of life goes way beyond how our society measures success and happiness. The amazing gifts of existence are wrapped up in the gray areas of life. Mistakes are only learning experiences, a beginning of an awareness of new ways to look at our circumstances and a stepping stone to our next chapter in life.

 Although Marcella hasn’t completely unraveled the mysteries and lessons behind these tragic events, she defies accepting the external circumstances.  She makes herself available to discover the deeper meaning and message by not judging tragedy and being ok with quietly sitting while not knowing the answer.