Four years into retirement, Dee Samuels is still passionate with life. Today, she competes in road bike races in California and as far away as Utah. Dee has always had a drive to engage new opportunities and was willing to face the unknown. At 18, she was finishing at a two year college when her dance instructor asked her to audition as a dancer in a European tour. One thing led to another. She got the job, met a guy and a short time after returning from Europe she left her New Jersey home for life in California. Later in life she decided to become a lawyer in a town that had minimal opportunities of this sort. She found a way to move to San Francisco and successfully found a law school, obtained her degree and passed the bar. Before she even made her resume, she met a very prominent family practice attorney and within 30 minutes of conversation she was offered a job. Guess what? Yes indeed.; she accepted the job with no hesitation.

Dee feels it’s necessary to take risks in life. It’s important to feel good about yourself whether you find success or find that it doesn’t work out. It doesn’t diminish who you are. Explore where your successes lie and how it satisfies you.  Dee whole-hardily believes that you “Never Give Up”.

These traits will also serve each of us when the unexpected and uncontrollable circumstances occur in our futures.